Dear List,

I am doing a project with ANTLR and Maven2.
 From what I found out so far there is no GUnit-functionality (be it  
JUnit Test-Generation or direct invocation of GUnit)  for maven right  
I already mailed with Jim Idle concering the state of GUnit in the  
antlr3-maven-plugin and learned that there is a patch to the old version
of the maven-plugin waiting in the queue.

So while the functionality is not directly built into the plugin I  
would like to know if anybody
has a workaround for invoking GUnit in an automated maven-build, e.g.  
via some call to an ANT-Script or something. If you have please
let me know.

Sorry, if this is not the proper list for such discussion, but I could  
not find more project information on GUnit or the antlr3-maven-plugin
apart from the wiki-pages.

kind regards

Tilman Bender
Student des Software Engineering
Hochschule Heilbronn

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