I appreciate your gesture of taking the onus of organizing a linux delhi
meet at your place . but i believe you would agree  meeting place should be
easily accessible . and Faridabad sounds way too far of .

regarding a different group it is upto you . but my suggestion is it is
better to contribute to an existing initiative then spawning of a new
group. and as every body knows " unity is strength " . the different groups
that we have all over india is actually a part of a single initiative i.e to
bring Linux and other Open source to the main stream . spawning of a new
group just because you did not like a comment would be uneccessay excercise
in the wrong
direction.also i assure you that if you start of a group to achieve
something fruitfull which is not available under Linux Delhi i would
certainly join you . as i have joined the other groups .

 Linux Delhi is special in this regards because i get to see and talk to all
the people on the list  in person . and the monthly meeting is the only time
in a month that all of us meet .

Let's be togather in this initiative as Sheakspear once quoted "what's in
the name"

with Regards
Abhishek Kumar
----- Original Message -----
From: Sudev Barar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 3:41 PM
Subject: RE: [ilugd] Re: Linux Delhi January 2004 Meet

> On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 11:39, Abhishek Kumar wrote:
> > with no offence i would like to draw your attention to a point that we
> > going to have  Linux-delhi in haryana ?????.
> > or better still we cold have a Linux-Delhi meeting in corbett National
> > next time ; )
> So we, NCR guys out side Delhi, have 2 options:
> 1. Quit ILUGD since borders are very important to some. Linux was a
> great uniter in my view.
> 2. Make all of us see the fact that many people in ILUGD are from NCR. I
> did not say you have to hold a meeting at my suggested venue but in
> absence of any other offer something is better than nothing.
> Ball is some else's court.
> --
> Sudev Barar
> Learning Linux
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