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Mr Nath,

>>>>> "Prithu" == Prithu Nath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Prithu> Dear Mr. Raju Mathur, Request you to remove the above
    Prithu> mentioned thread and associated messages as it was a false
    Prithu> report and gives a wrong impression against my name.

The thread was started at the complaint of a member of ILUGD who had
paid you for CDs, not received the CDs and not received any
communication from you either.  You would appreciate that, being an
informal organisation that survives on goodwill, ILUGD has to maintain
its reputation with respect to the services offered by individual
members at its web site and through its mailing lists.  If we find
that people are offering services on the Linux-Delhi web site and then
not fulfilling the contract after payment we have to take strict and
prompt action against them.

I personally tried to e-mail you after receiving the complaint from
the concerned member and did not get any reply.

This was the reason for the thread getting started in the first place.

Now that events have shown that you were unable to fulfil the contract
promptly due to circumstances beyond your control (fire in your
office), and now that that fact has been made clear to the mailing
list and in the archives, I do not believe that there is any slur on
the reputation of you or your company.  I would once again state that
your company did not voluntarily break a contract after payment; I
would also have no hesitation in encouraging any user who came to me
asking advice about doing the business with you in the field under
discussion to go ahead without fear.

I shall not be able to remove the earlier messages from the mailing
list archives since the archives are not under our control and we do
not have privileges to remove messages from them.

CC'ing this message to the ILUGD mailing list for information.


- -- Raju

    Prithu> [snip]

- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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