>     Amit> But when a newbie asks a "technical" query. The replies have
>     Amit> a tone " HUH!  You don't even know that!, get lost, read
>     Amit> this, this and this, do a million sit-ups and then come
>     Amit> back, I might explain you the real answer."
> Nah, you have to distinguish between looking down on newbies (which I
> don't) and looking down on idiots, for some user-defined value of
> ``idiot'' (which I do).  It's fine to ask newbie questions on the
> list; OTOH the list is not meant to replace simple Google searches.
> To take an example, asking ``Has anyone had problems using
> RTL8139-based ethernet cards?'' on the list should get you reasonable
> responses.  Asking ``Do RTL8139-based cards work under Linux?'',
> however, is a bit dumb, since Google can answer that question faster
> and without consuming anyone else's time or bandwidth.  Similarly,
> ranting about stuff like ``MS must realise that they're harming all of
> humanity and make Winduhs source GPL'' are likely to get short shrift
> on the list.
> In other words, it's fine if you lack knowledge but it's not fine if
> you refuse to use the brains that $DEITY gave you.

Is Linux not for dumbos ? We might be talking about masses here.
Does a Linux user require more brains than Windows ?

I am not sure[ ;o) ] , but probably a dumbo's point of view is, that when
'she' asks the same question to a windows support tech and a Linux support
tech the difference in the reply recevied is staggering!
For example.

"I have lost my account password."

Windows Tech Support:
 "Happy New year!
 I am glad that you have lost your password and have given me the opertunity
to assist you. do this this and this to restore your password or use a
different computer and buy the following patches from so and so url".

Linux Techie: <would probably tell loads of tricks to hack into your machine
or bootloaders +single user mode or things that are beyond the dumbo!>

Result: dumbo buys the "10% extra performance patches(that require 3 times
faster harware)".

It'll be a tough task to promote linux if we assume the dumb=masses
formula.(masses= simple desktop users?)

>     Amit> For eg. Ghane replies as if he is going to skin a newbie
>     Amit> alive if he/she dared to ask what the command to see a
>     Amit> directory listing is!  The above example has not much to do
>     Amit> with the rest of the mail.
> I don't know... Ghane normally keeps quiet unless (a) he gets a chance
> to display his rotten wit and put me down <g,d&r> or (b) someone makes
> completely irrational or baseless statements in a message.  Haven't
> really seen him put anyone down for lack of knowledge yet.

Let me search probably I still have the messages stored somewhere.


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