At 2004-02-17 22:42:26 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> are you one of those who like to see few hundred of mail getting
> downloaded in the inbox?

I'm certainly not one of "those" who like to sit around hitting reload
on a bunch of web pages all day.

I have to deal with a lot of email *anyway*, and my setup is optimised
for just that. I'd prefer to continue to use the most efficient method
I've evolved to deal with messages rather than learn a new one with a
whole different behaviour and a new bunch of arbitrary limitations.

> i still fail to understand how come this email view of ilugd better
> than the proposed forum view?

Email doesn't demand O(n) retrieval effort from the reader.

And as for archives, the kind of people who would consult the archives
before posting to the list would do so no matter how the archives were
maintained. And the other people would ignore the archives, no matter
where they were, just as they don't even bother to ask google before
posting trivial questions.

-- ams

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