hi alll
           i am very happy with this suggetion , because i am also a learner of linux 
and this will wil be very much beneficial for all the universe, i am ready to 
participate in this projct as soon as possible.
Amit Arora

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 Sudev Barar wrote :
>On Mon, 2004-08-16 at 23:20, santosh dubey wrote:
> > i know, All of us have some mastery in our respective domain.We should start a 
> > project on this website (or some other convenient place) where we will put 
> > article's regarding configuration, programming etc. in such a simple language that 
> > a most stupid person in the universe can easily understand them. It is only 
> > posible if article will be result of our actual practicle work.
> > Let me take a very simple example example (i am programmer)...
> > a article may be how to install java on linux...
> > in this case we can show which variables need to be declared (like JAVA_HOME), how 
> > to set path for bin directory etc..., in the same manner as how i installed on my 
> > computer..line by line..command by command...
> > i think you may understand what i want to say...such a work is very necessary in 
> > the field of system administration...
> > true, there are so many documentations but either they are out of date or written 
> > in such a way that it is re-inventing wheel by each person who want to do that.
>Okay Santosh
>apart from what others have said let me say why not you do a research on
>how many sites that offer HOW-TO's and make a document listing these
>that you can put up at linux-delhi site?
>Two benefits. One you will learn a lot (and I will also join in in
>researching and sending you URL's) and Two other down the line will
>benefit from your collation of knowledge.
>Sudev Barar
>Learning Linux
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