>>>>> "Vivek" == Vivek Varghese Cherian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Vivek> [snip Ubuntu stuff]

    Vivek> The cost of the Software, the CDs and its entire shipping
    Vivek> charges are "free as in gratis". Why should some one pay
    Vivek> you Rs 50 for the CDs, when the Ubuntu team gives it to you
    Vivek> free of charge ?

Basically for the convenience factor.  If I can pay Rs. 50 and get a
CD from a stall in front of me I'd rather do that than find a web
page, fill out forms and wait 3 weeks for the CD to arrive.

You do have a point, but CD sales at seminars are more impulse and
immediate requirement sales than anything else.  If you have a Linux
strategy planned you'd already have your CDs.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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                      It is the mind that moves

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