On Mon, 2007-06-11 at 22:12 +0530, Linux Lingam wrote:
> hi,
> eben moglen's talk on saturday at iic was highly-stimulating. i saw
> quite a few people clicking photos, recording videos, and perhaps
> blogging etc. could you please point me notes, transcripts or other
> logs of his wonderful talk?

The people video-recording it will be cleaning it up, and giving a
copy to Sarai, whereupon we will put it online. They themsleves
also ditribute videos online.

> 1) 64-bit version
> 2) standard version.
> 3) alternate-iso. this is for systems that can't handle the graphic installer.
> 4) ubuntustudio.
> you may collect the following people for further requesting and sharing cds:

Ubuntu/Kubuntu i386, and 64-bit versions are also always available at
Sarai, as are various other distros, including Debian Etch. We are also
collecting full repositories.


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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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