On Thursday 26 Jun 2008, Prakhar Agrawal wrote:
>  (c) I could be wrong here, but from what I have seen, asking local
> >    colleges to pay ILUG-D 10-20K/workshop just will not happen.
> >    Even where they have funds, and the willingness to do that,
> >    they would be faced with issues similar to the ones that
> >    Sarai faces, in terms of making not-directly-accounted-for
> >    payments to external agents. And, believe me, Sarai will be
> >    easier to deal with in this regard. As opposed to horse-trading
> >    with each institution separately, the Sarai money is there
> >    once, and for all.
> I totally agree with that. Asking for more funds from colleges will
> ultimately defeat the purpose.

Could you elaborate on how asking colleges for (more?) funds will defeat 
any purpose?  What is the purpose under discussion here anyway?  If it 
is to promote FOSS and the principles of FOSS among students, I fail to 
see how it makes a difference to the students or to the spread of FOSS 
whether or not the college pays a nominal amount to ILUGD.

If there is some other purpose please let me know.


-- Raju
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