On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 5:53 PM, neha sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> hello frnz...............i ve been a membr of dis grp since long bt hv been
> a mere lurker yet..................newayz m jus beginning off wid linux nd
> i
> ve xp installed on ma machine nd i want to install linux too , can u guyz
> tell me as to whch vrsion i shld go for nd whr wld i gt d same?
> hope to gt a response..............thnk u!


Discussions of the subject "Which flavour|distro...." have been one of the
oldest topics to be still popping up in mailing lists. Understandably it is
important to know what to use especially for a new comer. But everytime this
question ends up with the same stereotype novell vs. canonical war. Can't we
have some sort of a comparission chart such as
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Linux_distributions and put it on
our website?

I think rather than giving random gyan to the already confused...it will be
better to give him the information he or she needs to make an informed

Any suggestions???

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
~Walter Bagehot
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