On Friday 24 October 2008 16:21:10 Raj Mathur wrote:
> On Friday 24 Oct 2008, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> > [snip]
> > So the only argument left to fight about against Apple is the
> > philosophical angle, one that has always been the toughest to get
> > across.
> You have only the philosophical angle if you restrict yourself to
> FSF's views.  If you take the Open Source approach, then Apple has
> already lost, since they have forgone all the benefits of the open
> source development paradigm (stability, fewer bugs, faster
> development, more relevance, security) by choosing to build
> proprietary software.  

Yes, but while it was quite easy and self-evident to any user of all the 
problems that Windows has, problems like stability, security etc. are 
IMO fewer reported in the case of Macs. I might be wrong here because 
of the proportionally less media attention that macs get.

> That they chose a FOSS platform to build their 
> environment and applications on is only incidental: an environment is
> only as stable and secure as it's weakest link, and in the case of
> Apple (or any other proprietary software vendor) their weakest link
> happens to be their proprietary developments.

True. Recent security updates for itunes have shown that. This is 
besides their monopolistic policies in ostensibly open platforms like 
the iphone app store.

My point was that there are some disadvantages of closed source software 
that are apparent and quite visible. But their using a FOSS platform at 
the backend addresses some of the *technical* arguments that we have 

- Sandip

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