Hi all!!

Congratulations to Ajay Kumar, Pratul Kalia and all others who got selected
in Google Summer of Code 2009.
I am Amit Kumar and I am also one of the lucky ones who got selected in GSoC
2009 :) and I will be working on "Implement Condtion Handling in LimeSurvey
2" for LimeSurvey project.

See: http://socghop.appspot.com/org/home/google/gsoc2009/jcleeland

About LimeSurvey
LimeSurvey is an open source online survey taking tool that allows people to
create and deploy surveys (from marketing to academic to engineering
applications). LimeSurvey is written in PHP and used by many high profile
organizations including Ubuntu Server Team[1], GNOME Foundation[2] and
Office of the Austrian Vorarlberg State Government[3]. Limesurvey is loved
and used by many Universities, Students, Medical Institutes, non-profit
organisations, marketing companies and more around the world. In the 2004
U.S. presidential election, the Verified Voting Foundation[4] used
PHPSurveyor (as LimeSurvey was then known) to gather data about voting
irregularities. Sourceforge provide LimeSurvey as a free application for
open source projects.
LimeSurvey is recognised as a leader in its field. On November 29, 2007
LimeSurvey won the 1st prize award at the Les Trophées du Libre (external
link) contest in the category Corporate Management. In 2008 LimeSurvey was
nominated in the category Best Project for the Enterprise in the
SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards 2008.
More info:
1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam
2. http://foundation.gnome.org/
3. http://www.vorarlberg.at/
4. http://www.verifiedvoting.org/article.php?id=5207
5. LimeSurvey Project : http://www.limesurvey.org

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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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