An old report, but the effects in India would be interesting. Is it
time to go back to audio cassettes? While buying audio CDs, music
companies are sometimes deliberately hiding the fact that the CD has
"copy protection" tech in it and is unplayable in computer CD drives
.... Any copy protection invariably results in some loss in music
quality. However, music companies by deliberately suppressing this
fact are actually waiting and watching if music fans actually complain
or even find out the loss during normal hearing. Playing this CDs in
"non-compliant" music systems and computers could actually blow your
ears off if you don't take care. 

Any fans of Imbruglia out here who have bought "White Lillies Island?
Have music companies started "exprimenting" here too?

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya
Mindframe Software
Work: sandip @,
Play: sandipb @,

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