Hi Folks!
On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 05:28:35PM +0530, Pritam Pal wrote:
> Counting viruses is simplistic, but there is evidence that Windows is becoming more 
> resistent,
Consider this ... Linux is open source ... it's pretty much likely that ppl at
MS are copying smart pieces of Linux code into Windodo to make it a better
product. But you have no way of _proving_ that since Windodo is proprietory
and you'll never have a look at the sources.

Consider this too ... the GUI and Pointing Devices were a Xerox innovation,
but (as it is said ) eventually got copied into two of the most popular OSs.
One of them was Windodo.

The other popular OS has recently opted for a BSD UNIX variant to be it's core
engine i.e. the Kernel.

And sometime back (I believe) I prove it to one gentleman that the mighty VMS
is also based on the UNIX design. Actually ... a group of hackers has been
able to implement a bare-basics OpenVMS clone based on the Linux code base,
(I have the source code for that one if you need the proof)

Whatever you do ... whereever you reach ... you are not alone ... UNIX is with
you ... you can't get rid of it ... try as hard as you can ... be Aberdeen or

(atleast I am not leaving the UNIX camp)


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