
so Raj, it is still not a mature list as a little humour of ur type is Ok and acceptable. Even though the voices which rise are completly acceptable, but when i was 23 - 26 i would also think and voice in such a manner.

<humour>So anybody below 21 Do Not Read Such Mails; and such statments make lil one's below 21, to grow , 'grasp' the joke and laugh with the rest.</humour>

Lets be a little more 'Free' in accepting others as we accept ourself.

Nitin Chandra      <open to fire / flame???>

PS Note:- Logic is given by ILLogic.

 Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>> "Amit" == amit soni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>writes:

Amit> Just a thought, How many of us "really" want this list to be
Amit> a clean and no dirty words list ?

I do, for one.

Amit> And how many of us dont really care about abusive, dbl
Amit> meaning, dirty language in the list and instead would prefer
Amit> ilugd to be a "speak what you want" kind of list.

Amit> PS: Important to know that even though on the mailinglist
Amit> all of us have kept the list clean. But during the linux
Amit> meets, the attitude of the participants seems totally
Amit> different.

At the Meet you can see whom you're talking to. Then the language you
use is your choice. On the list, I don't know whether I'm talking to
a 80-year-old grandmother or a 6-year-old boy from school. Hence I
try to keep my language ! to a basic standard which would be acceptable
to both of them. Maybe I don't always succeed, but it's the thought
that counts, right? :)

Secondly, spoken stuff at the Meets isn't archived for posterity,
while the list is. Why archive profanity when you can as easily
elucidate your thoughts in `parliamentary' language and let everyone
see for themselves what an intellectual and high-minded set of dudes
and dudettes we are? ;) (That was a JOKE, ok?)


-- Raju

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