David, I'd be happy to get you going on OpenSSL for Windows off the list.
It's actually quite easy and Windows is not a "step-child" but fully


-----Original Message-----
From: "David Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 19:58
Subject: Re: (yet another) draft 17, incorporating Chris Newman's comments

>On 4 Jun 2002 at 17:13, Mark Crispin wrote:
>> Network Working Group                                         M. Crispin
>> INTERNET-DRAFT: IMAP4rev1                       University of Washington
>> Obsoletes: 2060                                                June 2002
>>       Client and server implementations MUST implement the STARTTLS
>>       extension and PLAIN SASL mechanism described in [IMAP-TLS].  See
>>       the Security Considerations section for important information
>>       about STARTTLS.
>I'm sorry if I'm raising something that's been done over already, but I've
>only recently returned to this list (I somehow got dropped off at the end
>of last year and only really noticed that fact quite recently).
>This section, and a reading of IMAP-TLS, appears to be saying that an
>IMAP implementation can only be considered compliant if it implements
>SSL (sorry for the old terminology - I'm using it to be specific).
>Surely that can't be right??
>SSL may be a feasible technology under unix, but for people working in
>other environments, such as Windows, it's much less obvious how it
>can be reasonably done. Windows itself has negligible support for it -
>you have to use undocumented API calls that only exist in some
>versions, which makes that a non-starter... OpenSSL is like most open
>source projects, aggressively anti-Windows, and I *still* haven't found a
>working implementation for Windows (I mean this mostly in the sense
>that documentation is non-existent, so even if you can find a binary or
>get the code to compile, it's not clear to me how to use it) after two
>years of looking. Of course, there's BSafe from RSADSI, but I don't
>have the US$100,000 license fee they want.
>Are we really mandating a technology where implementations are far
>from commonplace, and are generally arcane to the point of near-
>If we are, are there any Windows developers on this list who have found
>a solution I haven't discovered for handling SSL in a robust, reliable and
>trouble-free manner? Care to point me at it?
>-- David --
>------------------ David Harris -+- Pegasus Mail ----------------------
>  Box 5451, Dunedin, New Zealand | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>           Phone: +64 3 453-6880 | Fax: +64 3 453-6612
>Sign seen in a Paris hotel elevator:
>   "Please leave your values at the front desk."

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