On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> > I think that in Cyrus:
> >      LIST foo.bar zap.zowie  => foo.zap.zowie
> >      LIST foo.bar. zap.zowie => foo.bar.zap.zowie
> >      LIST foo.bar .zap.zowie => foo.bar.zap.zowie
> > but I'm not really sure; in practice only the second form is used.
> Well, this makes me wonder about the LIST reference even more. The last case
> mostly. With UW-IMAP you'd have: LIST foo/bar /% -> /%, so why isn't the last
> case above zap.zowie?

Note that I said "I think" that is how Cyrus works, given my understanding
of how I've been told that it works.  One of the Cyrus people will have to
say for sure.

The second case is the important one.

I agree that it would probably be more useful if the last case returned
zap.zowie, but I don't think that Cyrus has any concept of "breakout"
characters that take you to the root of the hierarchy the way a filesystem
does (e.g. "/" and "~" on UNIX).

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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