On Jun 17, Kristopher Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are Local installations still possible?

Sure, it's alive and kicking: with 3.6 it also got access to some
previously unavailable information. :-)
Besides that, it's partially used by the 'sql' data access system,
so it's still maintained and tested.

> I tried w/o the extra tools which look very outdated.

What are the extra tools you're talking about?
The 'mkdb' executable from the 'moviedb' program (the one developed
by Col Needham)?

It's still needed, if you want to use the 'local' data access system,
but see the README.local file [1], because it's outdated and requires
some modifications, to run smoothly [2].

> I get an error about name.key
> IMDbDataAccessError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'd:\\\\names.key'

And... is there a "names.key" file in "D:\"? :-)
If you've troubles escaping MS Windows' paths, try using the '/'
separator: it must works either way.
  from imdb import IMDb
  ia = IMDb('local', 'd:/the/folder/with/the/imdb/data/')

[1] http://imdbpy.sourceforge.net/docs/README.local.txt
[2] for my tests, I'm using a 2 or 3 months old local db, so if you
    have trouble with a newer db, let me know and I'll update mine.
Davide Alberani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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