Hello All,

I updated a script that was running hourly to update the relay
recipients to also update the transport.map database and it caused some
issues.  Can this file usually be updated while postfix is actually

The issue was, that after the time the new db was created, all messages
were rejected with a Relay Access Denied reason.  Seems some hours would
work, others would not.  I need to update this on a fairly regular basis
and was trying to automate it so that I did not have to do it manually.
So I upload a list of domains with the smtp:[ip.add.goes.here] at the
end of each.  Then uploaded to the IMGate server.  From there I ran the
postmap on the new transport.map file. =20

Shouldn't that work?  I know Len, you did not want me doing this, but I
have enough manual things to do...

Grant Griffith
Web Application Developer
Enhanced Telecommunications

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