> > have you looked at all connects to ATT IPs?  maybe something on your
> > side really is screwing up.
> >
>Yikes, how would I do that. Keep running netstat and then grep for ATT

well, should block at your edge route all connections from you IPs to 
port 25, except for IPs you know are legit MTAs

egrep -i "smtp\[.*att" /var/log/omx1.icsandiego.com/maillog | less


>I think the issues is with "nobody" accounts spewing "non-existent"
>users mail to the ATT server. But without logs it ain't easy to track
>down the source.
> > Len
> >
> >
> >
>Andrew P. Kaplan
>"Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps;
>for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference
>between what things are, and what they ought to be."
>William Hazlitt

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