That's fantastic.  Thanks for sharing the info!

For what it's worth -=96 I've had fairly good results with the =20
Barracuda's I managed.  I usually prefer my own systems, but these =20
guys have built a nice (albeit propreitary) list of their own, which =20
feeds off of all their appliances in the field.  This means that =20
they're building a great list simply by having these units in the =20
field.  They also invest a lot of time into researching and testing =20
things all the time.  I've had a few calls which were eventually =20
escalated up to the engineer, and he was really open and cool about it =20=

=96=96 up to a point, where he basically drew a line and said that =
there's =20
no way for me to find out the logic they used to decide that a =20
specific message was spam (this is if you use their special feature  =20
to filter the content of the message (way beyond the envelope)

I'm going to dig into their list and see what it's like.


On Sep 21, 2008, at 2:44 PM, Len Conrad wrote:

> AN IMGate clients has just started using this RBL.
> Feedback on your results appreciated
> Len

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