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December 01 - 04, 2002
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Deadline for Paper Submission: July 31, 2002

HIS'02 is the second International conference that brings together
researchers, developers, practitioners, and users of soft computing,
computational intelligence, agents, logic programming, and several other
intelligent computing techniques. The aim of HIS'02 is to serve as a
to present current and future work as well as to exchange research ideas
this field.

HIS'02 invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work
demonstrate current research using soft computing/ computational
intelligence and other intelligent computing techniques and their
applications in science, technology, business and commercial. Please
submit a full paper of 8 to 10 pages (Letter or A4 paper) for oral
presentation. The proceedings of the Conference will be published by
Springer Verlag, Germany. A selected number of papers will also be
considered for a special issue of the Elsevier Science Journal "Applied
Soft Computing".Please follow the author’s guidelines given by
Germany for more information on submission. Author's guidelines can be
downloaded from the conference web page.

Topics of Interest include but are not limited to:

Track 1: Computational Intelligence and Applications

- Artificial neural networks and learning techniques
- Artificial neural network optimization using global optimization
- Interactions between neural networks and fuzzy inference systems
- Fuzzy clustering algorithms
- Fuzzy system optimization using global optimization algorithms
- Evolutionary computation
- Support vector machines, rough sets, Bayesian networks
- Hybrid computing using neural networks-fuzzy systems-
evolutionary algorithms
- Hybrid optimization techniques
- Hybrid of soft computing and statistical learning techniques
- Intelligent agents
- Models using inductive logic programming, logic synthesis
- Natural computation techniques
- Autonomic computing
- Applications using the above systems
- Special topics

Track 2: Soft Computing for Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing

- Features and Classification
- Texture Analysis
- Document Analysis
- Shape Processing
- Fuzzy Image Processing
- Grouping and Segmentation
- Object Recognition
- Medical Image Processing
- Image and Video Retrieval
- Biometric Systems
- Image Representation
- Image Compression
- Video Processing
- Digital Watermarking
- Image Synthesis
- Industrial Applications
- Visual Surveillance

Track 3: Soft Computing and the Internet

- e-learning, e-commerce, e-business
- Web Intelligence
- Search Engines
- Information retrieval (web mining)
- Database Querying
- Ontology
- XML mining
- Intelligent networking between Web Sites
- Content Management
- Information Aggregation and Fusion
- Interaction with Intelligent Agents
- Intelligent Agents and Interfaces for personalization and adaptivity
- Intelligent tutoring systems on the WWW
- WWW Recommender Systems
- Adaptive Hypermedia Systems
- Agents for Digital cities, virtual communities and agent societies

 Track 4: Intelligent Data Mining

- Integrating E-Commerce and Data Mining
- Discovering patterns in Continuous Data
- Uncertainty management for data mining
- Clustering algorithms and applications
- Classification trees
- Mining time series
- Mining in a Mobile Environment
- Statistical Considerations in Learning
- XML Mining
- Text Mining
- Distributed Data Mining

HIS02 Important Dates

Deadline for Events Proposals                    May 30, 2002
Deadline for Paper Submission (full paper)       July 31, 2002
Notification of Acceptance                       September 30, 2002
Deadline for Camera Ready Papers                 October 14, 2002
HIS'02 Conference in Chile                       December 01-04, 2002


Venue Information (Santiago, Chile)

HIS’02 will be hosted by the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical
at the Universidad de Chile (Beaucheff 850, Santiago de Chile).

December is an excellent time to travel in Chile. The local organizers
help the interested participants to arrange a trip to any location in
For more information about traveling in Chile please visit
http://www.sernatur.cl/ and http://www.visit-chile.org/


HIS02 Organization

Honorary Chairman
Yasuhiko Dote, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan

General Chairmen
Ajith Abraham, Monash University, Australia
Mario Köppen, Fraunhofer IPK-Berlin, Germany
Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Local Organizing Chair
Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Area Chairs
Track1: Computational Intelligence and Applications
Ajith Abraham, Monash University, Australia

Track 2: Soft Computing for Pattern Recognition
and Signal Processing
Mario Köppen, Fraunhofer IPK-Berlin, Germany

Track 3: Soft Computing and the Internet
Fabio Abbattista, Universitŕ di Bari, Italy

Track 4: Intelligent Data Mining
Kate Smith, Monash University, Australia

Web Chairs
Mauricio Gaete, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Diego Sepulveda, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Finance Chair
Roberto Aviles, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Local Organizing Committee
Roberto Aviles, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Rodrigo Palma, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Richard Weber, Universidad de Chile, Chile

International Technical Committee

Akira Asano, Japan
Andre Ferreira de Carvalho, Brazil
Andreas Koenig, Germany
Antonio de Padua Braga, Brazil
Aureli Soria-Frisch, Germany
Bernard de Baets, Belgium
Carlos A. Coello Coello, Mexico
Costa Branco P J, Portugal
Dharmendhra Sharma, Australia
Etienne Kerre, Belgium
Evgenia Dimitriadou, Austria
Fabio Abbatista, Italy
Francisco Herrera, Spain
Frank Hoffmann, Sweden
Greg Huang, USA
Guenther Raidl, Austria
Hamid R. Tizhoosh, Canada
Hans Heinrich Bothe, Denmark
Hung T. Nguyen, USA
Janusz Kacprzyk, Poland
Jarno Tanskanen, Finland
José Manuel Benítez, Spain
Kaori Yoshida, Japan
Kate Smith, Australia
Katrin Franke, Germany
Luis Magdalena, Spain
Marley Vellasco, Brazil
Maumita Bhattacharya, Australia
Morshed U Chowdhury, Australia
Nikhil R. Pal, India
Olgierd Unold, Poland
Rajkumar Roy, United Kingdom
Ricardo Baeza, Chile
Robert John, UK
Sami Khuri, USA
Sankar K Pal, India
Stefano Cagnoni, Italy
Sung-Bae Cho, Korea
Tom Gedeon, Australia
Udo Seiffert, Australia
Vasant Honavar, USA
Vijayan Asari, USA
Vladimir Kvasnicka, Slovakia
William B. Langdon, UK
Witold Pedrycz, Canada
Xiao Zhi Gao, Finland
Xiufen Liu, Germany
Zensho Nakao, Japan
Zorica Nedic, Australia

Please have a look at

HIS02 Conference Page:

HIS01 Conference Page:

HIS01 Proceedings:
Abraham, A., Koeppen, M.(Eds.):
"Hybrid Information Systems"
Springer Physica, Germany 2002

For FURTHER INFORMATION and ENQUIRIES, registration, sponsorship, and
advertisement please contact the Local Organizing Chair:

Prof. Dr. Javier Ruiz-del-Solar
Universidad de Chile
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Av. Tupper 2007, Casilla 412-3, 6513027 Santiago, Chile
Tel.  +56-2-678 4207/4087, Fax   +56-2-695 3881

If you would like to be removed from our list please reply to this email
with "REMOVE mail" in the subject, and "mail" being the email to which
this CFP was delivered.

HIS02 is technically co-sponsored by the World Federation on Soft
Computing (WFSC) and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology


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