thomas writes:
> When ever I trie to do a 'cvs commit' to a remote server I get 'waiting 
> for thomas's lock in spm/web'. Then I log in to the remote server via 
> ssh and delete the '#cvs.lock/, #lock.wtl', but the same files a made 
> the next time I try to commit. When I run the 'top'-command on the 
> remote server(linux 9.0) I see that my last attempt has resultet in 2 
> cvs-processes and 1vi-process running.

You don't say what versions of CVS you're running.  If you're not
running the latest version (1.11.5) on both the client and server, I
suggest you upgrade and see if that doesn't solve the problem.

-Larry Jones

It must be sad being a species with so little imagination. -- Calvin

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