
Posting a 2nd time; does anyone know the answer to my questions?  Thank you


I'm reading the manual for CVS 1.11.20 and on page 27 (preprinted on the page, however, the .pdf document shows it to be page 29) I find the documentation for readers and writers files somewhat confusing and ambiguous. Could both readers and writers coexist or one at any given time?

Question 1: Could anyone tell me when (as of what version) these files were implemented? I'm running CVS 1.11.1p1 on our Linux server and I just created the 'readers' file anyway and added a user to and will ask him to test it. I don't think I could or would want to test and block myself lest running the risk of undoing what I've done. Would my current version of CVS understand readers?

Question 2: If not, then I'm overdue an upgrade and hate to bring down the server during a critical release. Would someone please shed some light on upgrading?



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