Derek Price wrote:

>Also, specifying a port number to the :ext: method will be ignored at
>best.  (it wouldn't be hard to add support for it, but no one has done so).

Excuse me - it would be hard to do in a general way using the current
CVSROOT conventions since the -p option is not supported by rsh, only
ssh.  At least, then specifying a port for rsh would no longer be
ignored but would probably cause errors.

You can stuff the port number into an ssh wrapper script or into your
~/.ssh/config file for the CVS server if you need to.  Trying to stuff
it into CVS_RSH will break, though adding support for this shouldn't be
too hard using the GNULIB argument parsing module (argv?  argz? 
command-line?  something like that), at least on feature, if anyone
wanted to write and submit a patch.



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