On 27.02.2005 15:47, Ken Murchison wrote:
kael wrote:
On 24.02.2005 15:36, Ken Murchison wrote:

The newsspool option is deprecated and not needed.

I have managed imapd.conf like this:

partition-default: /var/spool/imap
partition-news: /var/spool/imap/news
altnamespace: yes
newspeer: news-in.newsfeeds.com:119 news-out.newsfeeds.com:119
unixhierarchysep: yes
newsprefix: Usenet

Have you created the "Usenet.comp.mail.imap" mailbox on your "news" partition (/var/spool/imap/news) and given at least the "anonymous" user the "p" right? You probably want to grant your newsgroups "anyone lrsp".

localhost.localdomain> cm Usenet/comp.mail.imap localhost.localdomain> sam Usenet/comp.mail.imap anyone lrsp

Since you have enabled unixhierarchysep, you should create


This is the IMAP name of the mailbox.

I ran :

localhost.localdomain> cm Usenet/comp/mail/imap

and tree sub-mailboxes have been created, I started nntpd and nothing is delivered into "imap".

I still don't get it. :-[

I searched for an HowTo about using Cyrus-nntpd but I can't find any, the 'man pages' don't seem to be enough (for me).


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