The thunderbird view of a user's mailbox tree had a mysterious nameless subfolder. Because the subfolder was showing empty, I instructed the user to just delete it through the mail program, which he did.

Now his INBOX itself is empty and the server logs has the following entries:

   May 24 14:44:44 narawntapu imap[19976]: Expunged 16808 messages from
   May 24 14:45:04 narawntapu imap[21788]: Deleted mailbox

All the messages -- including the new spam -- are still right here on the filesystem, in /var/spool/imap/user/foo. However, reconstruct does not seem to do anything -- it exits without an obvious error, but the INBOX remains empty. For example, after running "reconstruct -G user/foo", I got the following:

   May 24 16:34:57 narawntapu reconstruct[25444]: reconstructing
   May 24 16:36:12 narawntapu reconstruct[25444]: uid 55067
   record mismatch, rewriting
   May 24 16:36:12 narawntapu reconstruct[25444]: uid 55069
   record mismatch, rewriting
   May 24 16:36:55 narawntapu reconstruct[25444]: mailbox: longlock for 117.4 seconds

Unfortunately, thunderbird is still not showing anything. Other folders exist, but not the INBOX itself...

I have the backup of the entire /var/spool/imap from last night, but it does not seem, like I need to recover the messages -- they are still here on the filesystem -- it is something else, is not it?

The server runs FreeBSD-11.3, and cyrus-imapd-2.5.15... Thank you. Yours,


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