
I like to know what you do in time with the olds accounts. Long time ago
(well 2 years) we using dovecot as imap server. And when some accounts are
closed we create a archive of the person mailbox (with tar), put that in
some backup server where the file going to stay about 2 years. After that
the data are destroy

The reason we keep that is some time (30% of the time) the person going to
come back and event it's not mandatory for us, the person are very happy to
go it old mailbox.

After switching to cyrus imap, I think about how to do that.

If I'm correct I cannot just copy the file somewhere else, because cyrus
database would keep the information about the existance of the mailbox, so
what will the «state of the art» way to remove a mail account and all the

And how what would be the «state of the art» way to put it back ?



Albert SHIH
DIO bâtiment 15
Observatoire de Paris
Heure local/Local time:
Tue 09 Jun 2020 03:44:13 PM CEST
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