I just made the third and final beta of the alternate namespace code
available at:


You can also grab it via anonymous CVS at CMU by checking out the
"alt-namespace" branch or "alt-namespace-r3" tag.

Unless any new bugs or issues are found with this release, this will be
the code which will be merged into the main Cyrus tree and appear in one
of the next two standard releases (2.0.15 or 2.0.16).

Changes from the previous release:

- LIST/LSUB now return '* LIST (\Noinferiors) "." "INBOX"', indicating
that folders can not be created under INBOX.  This results in friendlier
behavior in Netscape Communicator and possibly other clients.

- imapd ALWAYS uses the standard (internal) namespace for admin users,
so that cyradm falls in line with the other admin tools which only use
the standard namespace.  This means that user accounts are still created
with 'cm user.foo' instead of 'cm "Other Users.foo"'.  Bottom line: the
altnamespace ONLY applies to end-users/clients using IMAP or Sieve.

- Updated documentation (imapd.conf.5, overview.html,
install-configure.html) describing the alternate namespace and how it
applies to admins vs. end-users.

- includes all fixes in the main CVS tree as of this morning.

As always, all feedback welcome.

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--    http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

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