> imtest produces this line in /var/log/messages
> Jul 16 09:17:20 pico master[692]: process 698 exited, signaled to death by
> 11
> (as of now this is the only error message i've been able to produce in my
> logs).

If 11 is signal number, then it looks bad:

[hurtta@leija ~]$ grep 11 /usr/include/asm/signal.h
#define SIGSEGV         11
[hurtta@leija ~]$

That signal should produce core(-file) if allowed. It may be give some
hints. (I know nothing about cyrus :-))

          /"\                           |  Kari 
          \ /     ASCII Ribbon Campaign |    Hurtta
           X      Against HTML Mail     |
          / \                           |

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