On Sat, 14 Jul 2001, Jeremy Howard wrote:

> "Rob Siemborski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd like to announce the release of Cyrus SASL 2.0.2-ALPHA, available on
> > ftp.andrew.cmu.edu.
> >
> Is there a quick overview someplace of what the major changes in SASL 2.x
> are/will be, and how this will impact end users? In particular, how will it
> effect (if at all) pwcheck daemons--will custom daemons need any changes?

Most of the changes are under the hood, and will only affect application
developers.  However, the format of the sasldb is changing and thus the
old version will be incompatible with the new.  We have several ideas
about a possible conversion utility but nothing is final yet.

It will not affect users of pwcheck or saslauthd (except that saslauthd
will now support a krb5 mech).

> Are any performance enhancements expected? Will any existing mechanisms
> break with the new release? Finally, will Cyrus IMAPd support both SASL 2.x
> and 1.x for some transition period?

Yes, in fact one of the most compelling reasons for the new version is for
performance improvements (especially with respect to memory allocation).
Most of the other improvements serve mainly to clarify the semantics of
the API to both mechanism and application developers.

All existing mechanisms will break with the new code (but they shouldn't
even load if they are written correctly), however all of the mechanisms we
currently provide will be provided with SASLv2 (with the exception of
the depricated SCRAM mechanism).

As far as Cyrus, depending on the version numbering of the nexte few
releases SASLv2 will be required for either the v2.1.x series of the
v2.2.x series.  Once development on the new series begins for the most
part development on the hold series will stop, with the exception of
bugfixes.  No version of Cyrus IMAPd will support both SASLv1 and SASLv2.

I hope this helps,

Rob Siemborski | Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 235 * 412-CMU-TREK
               | Cyrus SASL Developer, /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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