
i really need help on that one
cannot find what going on ....

i upgrade to v2.0.16 and after 14 days the problem come back

please help


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To: Cyrus Imap mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Deliver problem with the "-r $g"
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i am Using

- Sendmail Switch-2.1.0
- Cyrus IMAP4 v2.0.12

On Solaris 2.6 Server E220R

My configuration is deliver mail with lmtp
i have a strange problem with the deliver since i change my Mcyrus in

from :

Mcyrus,         P=/usr/local/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnPqAh5@/:|, S=EnvFromL,
                  U=cyrus:cyrus, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
                  A=deliver -e -m $h -- $u

to :

Mcyrus,         P=/usr/local/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnPqAh5@/:|, S=EnvFromL,
                  U=cyrus:cyrus, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
                  A=deliver -r $g -e -m $h -- $u

(just adding -r $g without that vacation doesn't work on sieve)

so the problem is very strange and seem to be Random.....
i have one mailbox seem to be lock (not the same)
in the sendmail log i read the message is deliver so sendmail pass the
mail to deliver proggy.
but  when i do a ps , i can see a lot of line like that

deliver -r <sender_email> -e -m -- mailbox_who_have_problem

and no mail go to this mailbox anymore
the number of line in the ps go up depend on the number of mail this
person receive

did i have to go to 2.0.16 to fix that , or it is configuration problem
or something weird?
if i remove the -r $g everything work well like it work since i put the
2.0.12 (two day after it release) but sieve vacation doesn't work

any help will appreciate on that
thanks in advance, sorry if my explannation is Bad and sorry too for my
very poor english [:)]
just ask i will to do it better [:)]

Best regards
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