Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> Ok, folks.  I am *really* getting frustrated on this.  I know sendmail
> is doing its job, ditto procmail.  Any delivery from the command line
> using deliver fails to get in its correct place.  And I am taking into
> consideration the duplicate delivery suppression - of course it still
> wouldn't even wind up in the wrong folder if it were a dupe.
> I have tried removing the lmtp entry in cyrus.conf, leaving the
> lmtp_unix entry, still no good.
> I know this can't be the expected behavior, since others have claimed
> they have no trouble, but what the hell could it be?
> I know the problem is somewhere between deliver and the mailbox
> itself.  master is running, else the message wouldn't even get into
> the wrong folder.
> What else can I do?

I would try running:

deliver -l  (that lower-case L)
as cyrus and doing:

LHLO foo
RCPT TO:<leblanc+root> IGNOREQUOTA
From: foo
To: leblanc
Subject: a test

just a test

and seeing what happens.

This corresponds to your
deliver -q -m root -- leblanc

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--    http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

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