RJ45 wrote:
Hello I haev lately this error mesage always the same time of day once a
imaplog:Feb  7 04:00:00 venus ctl_deliver[429]: [ID 866726 local6.warning]
DBERROR db4: 6 lockers
This is (almost) completely normal. If the number of lockers keeps
rising constantly, that is not. It may very well pop up momentarily
to over a hundred on a busy server, but should return to single numbers.

It's a diagnostic (not really error) message from the Berkeley DB
library. Whenever the internal deadlock detector runs (happens every
now and then, and in certain database situations) it spews out the
current number of transactions holding a lock on that part of
the database. It ought to be able to sort out any deadlocks by
itself by aborting one of the offending transactions based on a
policy, and the Cyrus code will retry. All this is transparent to
the users.

I have cyrus-imapd-2.1.12 and cyrus-sasl-2.1.12 compiled with db4.1.25
anyone experiened this problem?
Apparently you don't have a problem :-)


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