Robert Scussel wrote:

There are actual multiple ways to do this. From what I understand you have 2 boxes, one the original server, and a new one.

You may want to do this in two stages. Cyrus provides a lot of tools to upgrade between versions. That being said, you may want to replicate Cyrus-2.0.16 on the new box, and then synch everything over, test, and then upgrade. I typically upgrade by specifying the prefix to be /usr/cyrus-version, then soft link /usr/cyrus -> /usr/cyrus-version. This allows you to back out on most changes without wipeing out your current install.
That "multiple ways" may be what I need! I am ignorant and slow and almost always hit complications in my ignorance. I do not trust the speed at which I could upgrade 2.0 to 2.1. Since I would have to shut down email while I did the upgrade....

So what I would really prefer would be some way to copy the mailboxes then <insert here magical way to convert mailboxes from 2.0 setup to 2.1 setup>.



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