Phil Chambers wrote:
I am still new to cyrus and trying to find my way. I have tries searching this list archive but could not find this issue.

If I create a folder for a user using the Cyrus::IMAP::Admin perl module, is it possible to mark that folder as being one of the user's subscribed folders?

Hi, I use a simple python script for that, the only problem is it needs to know the user password. This is no problem for me, since I use it while creating the user and I just assigned him/her a random password.
The script creates the mailboxes and subscribes the user to them. Since it also creates the user's INBOX you'll have to set to true the autocreatequota option in /etc/imapd.conf.
The script accepts the username and the password as arguments and runs in the same host as the server.
Hope it helps.

# Crea el buzon de usuario y suscribe a sent, plantillas, borradores # # Para que el usuario pueda crear su propio INBOX hace falta # que autocreatequota en /etc/imapd.conf tenga valor distinto # que 0 # import imaplib import sys

def createmb(user,password):
  for mb in mailboxes:

if __name__ == "__main__":

-- Luca

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