Oliver Demetz - Hardware-XPress.de wrote:

Hi all!

Finally I've succeded installing cyrus imapd.
Now, I want to realize the following:

Normally, when sending a mail, a copy of that mail is kept locally on
my pc in Sent-Folder.
What I'd like to realize is, that a copy of that sent mail is stored
in a subfolder 'Sent' of my imap-mailbox on cyrus.

Is that possible?
My MTA is postfix.

Rather than depending on the server and client to save the copy, I choose a sent folder, then give it the "p" (post) ACL. Then I use plus addressing to BCC a copy of the message directly into the sent folder.

For example, if my sent folder is "sent" and my id is "joe" this is the address to which I would BCC the copy :


Due to the way Sendmail parses email addresses on our mail relays by normalizing the entire address to lower case, I can only use sent folders that are not capitalized (i.e. sent).

I discovered this method when using older versions of Netscape. If the server was busy, the save to sent folder would cause Netscape to "hang" while waiting to deliver the copy. Cancelling the save allowed the mail to go out, but did not save the copy. The method I use now uses SMTP to deliver the copy. It always works. There is an option in the "Copies" dialog that allows the configuration of a BCC for all messages sent.

The only downsides to this method, is that mail in the sent folder always appears as "unread" and it is possible for someone to send mail directly into your sent folder.


Tom Karches                    email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Systems Administrator      phone : 919.515.5508
NCSU Information Technology

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