Gregor Bruhin wrote:
I just get a lot of sendmail logs:
timeout waiting for input from [myserverip] during client greeting

My mails often are delivered, but sometimes a second trial is needed...
I increased the preforked lmtp daemons on myserver and it seemed to
help, but could someone tell me a bit more about this, is it tuneable ?

I have frontend servers with the mtas, and cyrus is running on an other
server, mails are transmitted via lmtp...

My sendmail config looks like this:

###   Cyrus V2 Mailer specification   ###

##### $Id: cyrusv2.m4,v 1.1 2002/06/01 21:14:57 ca Exp $ #####

Mcyrusv2,       P=[IPC], F=lsDFMnqXzA@/:|m,
                S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL, E=\r\n,
                A=TCP [myserverip] 2003

Have you considered making sendmail "chain" deliveries to cyrus via LMTP ? * multiple messages over single LMTP connection * a small delay before delivery (<30s for most messages)

[make cyrusv2 "expensive", make it use a separate queue group, use persistent queue runners, use MinQueueAge (delay *between* delivery attempts]

It should decrease peak load of cyrus generated by sendmail deliveries.

Andrzej [pl>en: Andrew] Adam Filip

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