Scott Adkins wrote on 27/01/2006 18:07:
> I already have a hunch, and my research on the archived mailing list kinda
> suggests the same thing as well, but I would feel better if I had the answer
> clearly stated by a more official power :)
> Anyways, I am currently running Cyrus IMAP 2.2.10.  What is the maximum size
> of a quota I can set for a user?  I suspect it is 2GB.  Is this true?  Is
> this size increased in a later version of Cyrus (like in the 2.3 stream)?

Quota is set using the following data structures (from imap/quota.h in

#define QUOTA_UNITS (1024)
struct quota {
    char *root;

    /* Information in quota entry */
    unsigned long used;
    int limit;                  /* in QUOTA_UNITS */

So depending on your architecture (and thus sizeof(int)), your actuall
limit could vary from 32 MByte (16bit int) through 2147483648 kByte
(approx. 2 Terabyte - with 32bit int) to 9223372036854775808 kByte (8 *
2^30 Terabyte - with 64bit int).

Most systems use 32bit int, which gives you about 2 Terabyte of quota
with the default QUOTA_UNITS setting.


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