Andrew Nash wrote:
We’ve got an email system based around Cyrus etc. The ‘Out of Office’ or Vacation facility doesn’t seem to be working reliably. From what I can test, it seems that if a user on the LAN sends to another internal email user who has set a Vacation message, then they will receive notification that the intended recipient is out of the office. The Sieve script is in /usr/sieve/f/fred/default and also msg.script in the same directory. However, when I send to a user with a set vacation message using an external email system (eg Hotmail) then it’s a bit hit and miss as to whether an out of office message gets delivered to the sender. I’ve set up a test user and created a vacation message, and at present no out of office messages are being delivered, although I’m almost certain they sometimes do get through. The system has been in place for a few years, and I’ve had a couple of users mention that it didn’t always work, but I’m only just getting around to investigating things in more detail. I’ve looked at the header of an incoming message in the recipient’s Cyrus folder which should be generating an out of office message, and the ‘To’ and ‘From’ fields look okay, plus there is an X-Sieve: line. I’d appreciate some help in trying to track down what’s going on. I’m not sure if the out of office message is being generated but not delivered, or if it’s not being generated at all. Are there any logs I can check, or traces I can set up?

I had the same issue as you said: vacation thing works for internal network,
but not 100% works for external network(senders).
I fixed it some time ago. The problem is my incoming server(sendmail+cyrus-imap) itself can not 100% send emails to outside! It's blacklisted! it's not strange because I have a separate outgoing server. I'm not expecting my incoming server to send anything out. To fix the problem, first reconfigure sendmail to reject emails
on MTA level, and then reroute emails coming from my incoming server
to my outgoing server. This will make sure my incoming server can send emails to outside.
That's it.


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