Thanks a lot for all Robert!!

El 27/6/17 a las 10:44, Robert Stepanek escribió:

On Fri, Jun 23, 2017, at 14:57, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:

Is it possible to build Cyrus IMAP 3.0 without Caldav/Carddav server?. I say this because we have been using Davical from some time now, have all development and all done for it. Can it be build without it?.

Caldav/Carddav is only built into Cyrus if you pass the --enable-http flag to the configure script. Even if HTTP support is built in, Cyrus won't claim any HTTP/HTTPS standard port, as long as the 'http' service is not enabled in the SERVICES section of cyrus.conf (note that '#' character at the start of the line):

# http        cmd="httpd" listen="http" prefork=0

If you want to use some of Cyrus HTTP services on a non-standard port, change the 'listen' parameter to whatever port you prefer. Make sure the HTTP services you want from Cyrus are enabled in the 'httpmodules' parameter in imapd.conf.

By the way, when upgrading from a 2.3.1X server... can you directly install a 3.0 in the server and should it work?. Is it recommended to perhaps go thought the 2.5 version, reconvert

databases to suit it's needs (the 2.5 needs) and later pass to 3.0?.

I have no experience with upgrading from 2.3 to 3.0, so can't help you with that.


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