Hi mates! 

This has been the great day. We have upgraded a server pair
(master/slave). Almost all has gone fine, apart from the fact that we
have two extrange issues : 

- Some users had found their folders unsubscribed and seems the same
too, lost them Sieve filters. Perhaps due to autocreate or xlist?? which
we weren't previously using¿? 

- I'm not really sure, if Xapian is "actively" working. 

We have upgraded from 2.4 Cyrus to 3.0.8 with the replication method.
First has been finally fixed with a couple of scripts. The second one...
I paste the master/slave config here : https://pastebin.com/CtCEedty I
think it's all ok... and by the way log is saying : 

Feb 13 13:07:19 masterserver squatter[13446]: Xapian committed 1 updates
in 0.146300 sec
Feb 13 13:07:19 masterserver squatter[13446]: Xapian committed 3 updates
in 0.075679 sec
Feb 13 13:07:21 masterserver squatter[13446]: Xapian committed 36
updates in 1.219806 sec
Feb 13 13:07:22 masterserver squatter[13446]: Xapian committed 1 updates
in 0.256899 sec
Feb 13 13:07:22 masterserver squatter[13446]: Xapian committed 5 updates
in 0.165767 sec
Feb 13 13:07:22 masterserver squatter[13446]: Xapian committed 1 updates
in 0.252658 sec
Feb 13 13:07:22 masterserver squatter[13446]: Xapian committed 4 updates
in 0.083638 sec
Feb 13 13:07:24 masterserver squatter[13446]: Xapian committed 4 updates
in 0.952737 sec 

Xapian version is xapian-core-1.4.9_1 (FreeBSD port). Could I see by
some debbuging log Xapian is working in the searchs in order to know,
that can't be faster and that all is ok?. At the moment I have tree
tiers. But I'm just with the default one in almost all mailboxes. 

Thank you so much mates :) :) (as always) 



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