Am 26.06.20 um 14:18 schrieb Jean Charles Delépine:
Stephan <> écrivait (wrote) :

sieve_rebuild: [path to script] parse failed: script errors:#015#012line
5: header 'resent-from': not a valid header for an address test

I had the same error with a 2.5 to 3.0 migration.

Corrected with 'rfc3028_strict: 0' :

rfc3028_strict: 1
   If enabled, Sieve will be strict (per RFC 3028) with regards to which
   headers are allowed to be used in address and envelope tests.  This means 
   only those headers which are defined to contain addresses will be allowed in
   address tests and  only  "to"  and "from" will be allowed in envelope tests.
   When disabled, ANY grammatically correct header will be allowed.

Thank you ! rfc3028_strict was enabled here in 3.0.13 and the scripts
were accepted so I guess it must be one of the sieve bug fixes and
features mentioned in the 3.2 release notes.
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