Ted Zlatanov a écrit profondement:

| S> So how do I tell gnus not to append the "/110" ?
| I think the "/110" is indicating port 110.  Can you open port 110 on
| that server from your machine?

Yes port 110 opens just fine via both 'telnet' and 'fetchmail'

And I get the same results whether or not I comment out the:  :port "pop3"
or in fact change the "pop3" in that line to "110"

     (setq mail-sources
           '((file :path "/var/spool/mail/user-name")
             (pop :server "pop3.mail.server"
                  :user "user-name"
;;                  :port "pop3 -also tried 110 here-"
                  :password "secret")))

So it seems that it's something I have inadvertently set up, or a
problem with gnus


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