hi y'all,

LilyPond 2.5.13 is out.

This release 

* updates to the mensural ligature code

* handles latin1 -> utf8 conversion from previous versions gracefully

* should compiles on Cygwin

* reorganizes the notation manual chapter of the documentation

The big news is: Point and click support for PDF output. Go here  


to read all about it. Basically, the only thing you need to do, is add
a setting to Firefox.  I've tested this with xpdf and acrobat 5 on
Linux. Of course, I'm curious to learn how well this works on MacOS
and Windows. 

With this feature, I consider the 2.5 series feature complete, and we
can start working towards a new stable release. Of course, this is the
moment to report regressions.

In principle, everything that worked in LilyPond 2.4 should also work
in 2.6. Of course, some things will work differently now that we have
dropped TeX as the default backend.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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