U.S. Pacific Chief Says Technology Enhances Military Capability


Information technology is "the key to transforming the Pacific Command's
war-fighting ability," the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Command
(CINCPAC) told members of the Pacific and Asian Affairs Council in Hawaii
April 2.

"We're developing the capability to have a detailed, accurate tactical
picture in the hands of every echelon of the Joint Task Force," Admiral
Dennis Blair said. "This picture will show thorough -- almost perfect --
knowledge of the position and condition of our own forces, detailed
knowledge of the characteristics of the operating area, and adequate
knowledge of the position and condition of the enemy.".

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Study Finds Shortcomings in U.S. Emergency Preparedness


A survey backed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
finds that many emergency response workers don't think they are adequately
prepared for major disasters, such as the terrorist attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon in September 2001. Conducted for the CDC by
the Rand group, a policy research and analysis organization, the study was
based on discussions among emergency workers at a December 2001 conference.
Fire fighters, police, emergency medical workers and others called for
improvements in personal protective gear, disaster site management, and
information exchange and management.

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U.S., Canada Join Forces to Stop Internet Fraud


The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), state law enforcement groups and
Canadian counterparts are pursuing legal action to stop fraud and deception
on the Internet. According to an April 2 announcement from FTC, the agencies
have also sent out more than 500 warnings that deceptive spam -- mass
electronic mailing -- is illegal.

"The Internet creates some major new challenges for consumer protection
organizations," says Washington state Attorney General Christine Gregoire,
whose state partnered with the federal agency in the operation. "That's why
it's so important that those of us who enforce state, provincial and
national consumer protection laws work together to meet these new

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Counter-Terrorism, Bit by Bit, by Dr. Saul B. Wilen


Consider what might be called the Washington Mall Scenario. Several nuclear
"dirty" suitcase bombs are detonated between the Washington Monument and the
Lincoln Memorial. The result: No humans could be permitted on this land and
the surrounding radius of several miles (almost the entire city of
Washington) for hundreds of years (U.S. Department of Energy information on
radiation impact). This is no fantasy, and it highlights the marked
limitations of our nation's strategy based primarily on responding to

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