(OCIPEP is the Canadian version of the NIPC. It is an agency I have
great respect for as it seems to get things right WEN).

The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Critical Infrastructure
Protection Lessons Learned

In the year following the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon a number of documents have been compiled
that analyze the impact, response and outcomes that stem from the
attacks. This report has been compiled to assist Canadian critical
infrastructure (CI) owners and operators with their business continuity
planning and emergency management (EM) preparations by identifying
critical infrastructure protection (CIP) and EM lessons that can be
learned from these tragic events. The analysis is based on open source
information and feedback provided by CIP and EM partners. A selected
list of lessons learned reports regarding the September 11 attacks has
been included at the end of the document.

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INCIDENT ANALYSIS  Number: IN02-001, Date: 27 September 2002
The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Critical Infrastructure
Protection Lessons Learned


In the year following the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon, a number of documents have been compiled
that analyze the impact, response and outcomes that stem from the
attacks. This report has been compiled to assist Canadian critical
infrastructure (CI) owners and operators with their business continuity
planning and emergency management (EM) preparations by identifying
critical infrastructure protection (CIP) and EM lessons that can be
learned from these tragic events. The analysis is based on open source
information and feedback provided by CIP and EM partners. A selected
list of lessons learned reports regarding the September 11 attacks has
been included at the end of the document. 
The September 11 terrorist attacks impacted CI directly through their
physical effect, and indirectly by provoking CI users, regulators and
owners to take actions which further impacted CI.

Future terrorist attacks may provoke actions from CI decision-makers
that impact society, government and the economy more substantially than
the terrorist incident itself.

Communications: Predetermined emergency phone lines that are given call
priority and immediate service attention during a crisis will assist
emergency response. Redundant mobile communications facilities will
assist EM. 

Transportation: The ability of the transportation sector to sustain
normal functions will be jeopardized if sufficient planning and
resources are not dedicated to meeting the challenges of an assistance

Energy: The rapid restoration of power to critical sites will be more
efficient if a predetermined list identifies and prioritizes sites which
are particularly vulnerable to prolonged outages.

Banking and Finance: Comprehensive business continuity plans that
include electronic and physical backup arrangements will enable most
organizations to relocate and re-establish operations following a

Government: The ability of government to coordinate its response to CI
threats will be improved by the development of a government-wide alert
system that incorporates high levels of security and infrastructure


In the year following the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon a number of documents have been compiled
that analyze the impact, response and outcomes that stem from the
attacks. This report has been compiled to assist Canadian critical
infrastructure (CI) owners and operators with their business continuity
planning and emergency management (EM) preparations by identifying
critical infrastructure protection (CIP) and EM lessons that can be
learned from these tragic events.  The analysis is based on open source
information and feedback provided by CIP and EM partners. A selected
list of lessons learned reports regarding the September 11 attacks has
been included at the end of the document.

This report will identify lessons learned from the attacks that could be
applied to five sectors of critical infrastructure (CI): communications,
transportation , energy, banking and finance, and government.  Following
a brief description of the attacks, each sector will be examined in turn
for general CIP lessons that can be drawn from specific instances
relating to the terrorist attacks. The lessons have not been ranked
according to importance and readers are encouraged to peruse the
document in its entirety as lessons cited for one sector can often
assist with CIP/EM efforts in another sector.


At 08:45, a hijacked aircraft crashed into the north tower of the World
Trade Center (WTC) building in NYC.  At 09:03, a second hijacked
aircraft crashed into the south tower. Forty minutes later, a third
hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon, in Washington, DC.  A fourth
hijacked plane crashed at 10:00, 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
Thousands of individuals were trapped, including hundreds of rescue
personnel, when the south and north towers collapsed at 10:05 and 10:28
respectively.  The official number of people killed in the WTC and
aboard the two aircraft was 2,823.  A total of 189 people were killed in
the Pentagon and aboard the aircraft which struck it.  The Pennsylvania
crash resulted in the deaths of 44 passengers and crew. 


The attacks had wide-ranging impacts on local infrastructure.  In NYC,
the local emergency services sector was dealt a serious blow when
hundreds of responders were killed under the collapsing towers of the
WTC.   Local communication was disrupted leading several wireless
carriers to donate mobile phones and pagers to emergency personnel.
The attacks hindered local emergency transportation and taxed the
resources of local health infrastructure.

The Office of Critical Infrastructure and Emergency Preparedness
(OCIPEP) has analysed the September 11 attacks and concluded that the
terrorist strikes impacted CI in two ways.  

First, CI facilities and operations were directly disrupted by the
physical impact of the attacks.  The WTC housed, and was surrounded by,
a number of key businesses that support CI.  The destruction of the WTC
area caused the disruption of business operations vital to several CI
sectors including banking and finance, transportation, and
communications.  While the immediate impact of the attacks on the latter
CI sectors will be elaborated in the analysis which follows, it is not
known what effect the destruction of other firms in the WTC area might
have had on the legal, health, business and public sector communities.
It is difficult to ascertain the impact the Pentagon attack had on
government continuity because of the secrecy with which this national
security issue has been dealt.

Second, the decisions of CI regulators, owners and users made in
response to the attacks also impacted CI.  The U.S. Government was
responsible, through the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), for issuing
the first ever national grounding of commercial aircraft immediately
following the attacks.  Owners of infrastructure such as financial
markets and market participants altered the financial and banking sector
by deciding to temporarily close key markets as a safety precaution.
Increased demand for telephone and Internet connections forced carriers
to truncate their services to avoid crashing their networks.

The analysis will now examine five CI sectors for lessons that can be


Landline - Emergency Communications
Verizon Communications made extraordinary efforts to turn its
telecommunications network to public use during the crisis in NYC. The
carrier provided nearly 2,400 spare circuits to municipal government
agencies, including police and fire departments; approximately 900 to
the state government; and more than 2,600 to federal agencies and the
military.   Verizon restored service to essential operations such as
hospitals, doctors' offices and healthcare centres by formulating a
priority list for their technicians to follow.   Verizon also
reconfigured its 4,000 Manhattan payphones to provide free calls to
anywhere in NYC and set them to accept incoming calls, something they
ordinarily cannot do. In addition, Verizon Wireless made a half-million
wireless handsets available.  
1.      Predetermined emergency phone lines that are given call priority
and immediate service attention during a crisis will assist emergency
response. The conclusion of communications agreements between CI owners,
local emergency services and federal emergency management agencies will
help to guarantee that these dedicated lines exist.

Landline - Emergency Management
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was unable to set up a
fully functional field office in NYC to coordinate recovery efforts
because it lacked a telecommunications infrastructure.  FEMA worked
around the situation using mobile wireless technology and satellites,
but a fully functioning joint operations centre with the city and the
state was not up and running before September 26.  NYC and state
officials spearheaded most of the initial relief efforts. 
2.      Lead emergency response agencies require appropriate
telecommunications infrastructure in order to assist recovery
coordination with first responders. 

Landline - Telecommunications Priorities
During emergencies, local phone lines can quickly become congested by
inbound calls seeking reassurance and information.  On September 11, the
Verizon telecommunications network in NYC became extremely congested.
While many individuals outside NYC had difficulty reaching phone numbers
in the city and assumed that the network had crashed, Verizon officials
asserted that inbound calls to NYC were blocked by design rather than
network failure.  These blocking procedures kept the network from
crashing and allowed it to carry a record number of calls.  
3.      Communications CI will be protected, and emergency response
efforts will be facilitated, by preventing disaster-affected networks
from crashing. The allocation of sufficient network space to local
emergency services will assist relief efforts. Attempting to accommodate
all inbound communication will endanger network stability and bandwidth
for the emergency response.

Landline - VOIP Technology
A Voice-over-IP (VOIP) owned by ITXC is located directly across the
Hudson River from Manhattan. It has enormous user capacity and is leased
to long-distance companies, which regularly re-route calls over the
public Internet to reach overseas destinations or to level domestic
spikes in call volume. Since Verizon Communications, like most regional
telecommunications companies, has no interface with a VOIP provider, the
VOIP capacity was not available to relieve the volume of usage on local
exchanges.  The variable quality of service on many VOIP networks would
not detract from their usefulness during a time of crisis.  Corporations
can achieve voice redundancy within their network by using dedicated IP
circuits to build VOIP capability in routers or frame relay devices.
4.      Telephone carriers will be better positioned to relieve network
congestion during emergencies by drafting contingency plans that take
into account the redundant capacity of local VOIP networks.
Corporations using VOIP can achieve voice redundancy within their
network when voice traffic has saturated other modes of communication.

Wireless - Emergency Communication
Police and fire wireless communications relied on a radio "repeater"
located on top of the WTC.  The destruction of this device resulted in
the elimination of wireless communications and forced emergency
communication to temporarily rely on the phone system.  Communications
was further complicated because the main and backup phone systems at the
police headquarters were on the same grid, which had been damaged by
falling debris from the WTC. The U.S. National Communications System has
since proposed that in emergencies priority to the wireless networks
used by cellular telephones should be given to police, fire and EM
5.      Emergency services that install redundant computer, electrical
and communications systems on different grids from their main systems
will help to secure the functionality of CI in the event of a disaster.

Wireless - Transportable Mobile Phone Infrastructure
Many wireless operators in NYC used transportable mobile phone
infrastructure to allow calls to continue despite damage to their
facilities near the WTC.  Verizon and AT&T Wireless moved mobile phone
antennas in New Jersey and Brooklyn toward lower Manhattan to improve
wireless reception.  In Washington, DC, Verizon and Cingular Wireless
transported mobile phone infrastructure into the vicinity of the
Pentagon and nearby Shenendoah National Park to ensure that rescue
workers could rely on the network. 
6.      Following a significant disruption of wireless communications
service, transportable mobile phone infrastructure will facilitate the
coordination of an emergency response.

Wireless - Alternative Modes of Communication
The loss of landline and wireless sites in or around the WTC, coupled
with selective call-blocking throughout the Northeast U.S., left many
institutions and emergency responders seeking alternative ways to
coordinate their recovery efforts.  Some wireless users with
data-capable phones found that they could send and receive Short Message
Service (SMS) text, despite being unable to make voice calls. Other
modes of communication such as BlackBerry wireless e-mail devices,
wireless-enabled Personal Digital Assistants, two-way radios, satellite
phones and pagers worked well and were of use for those who had them.
Institutions in possession of pre-determined contact lists for these
various modes of communication were able to rapidly communicate with
concerned stakeholders.  An Enhanced 911 (E911) system, which provides
the precise location of 911 calls from wireless phones, could have
enabled some victims to have been located more quickly.
7.      Following a disaster, alternative modes of communications will
assist with recovery and crisis management while freeing network space
for the voice communications of emergency responders.

Internet/Information Technology - Internet Redundancy Planning
Many companies affected by the attacks had more than one line from their
offices to high-speed Internet access points.  In some cases, both
regular and the redundant lines travelled through the same conduits to
the same routing centres.  When those conduits or routing centres were
damaged, all cables, including those dedicated to emergency redundancy,
were affected.  The cost of rebuilding IT infrastructure on Wall Street
was expected to be approximately US$3.2 billion, with the full
restoration to take place over a period of 12 to 24 months.  
8.      Institutions that insist on the need for geographic and
technological redundancy from their networks and/or service providers
will be better placed to implement contingency plans following a

Internet/Information Technology - Criticality of Financial Sector
The deputy manager of the U.S. National Communications System (NCS)
stated that the destruction of 1.5 million circuits in the financial
district was a threat to U.S. economic stability and constituted the
most significant challenge that the NCS had ever encountered.   The
White House ordered the NCS to make Wall Street connectivity the next
priority after rescue efforts had been given the support they required.
Federal and industry engineers worked together to restore the digital
backbone as quickly as possible.  In spite of this effort, diesel
generators succumbed to fuel and maintenance problems, causing backup
power to fade and restoration efforts to be delayed.
9.      The restoration of financial sector digital connectivity will be
a priority following large urban disasters but repair may be hindered by
interdependencies from outside of the telecommunications sector.
Internet/Information Technology - Y2K Contingency Planning
Investment in Y2K preparations helped to expedite recovery of IT systems
impacted by the attacks.  The Y2K problem had focused management on the
enumeration of infrastructure components, the prioritization of critical
applications and the identification of interdependencies between systems
and organizations.  In addition, system configurations were standardized
to assist with rapid recovery.  These elements of Y2K planning allowed
organizations to rapidly determine where recovery efforts should be
focused and how to implement work-around solutions.  
10.     Maintenance of up-to-date, Y2K-based inventories, procedures and
standards will greatly assist with IT disaster-recovery efforts and
business continuity.

Internet/Information Technology - Distributed Systems Backup
Y2K planning primarily focussed on the recovery of mainframe systems and
data centres.  The majority of the damage caused by the attacks,
however, was sustained by distributed systems such as end-user data and
applications.  Recovery of these systems was further complicated when
servers and backup tapes were situated in the same location as the
disaster.  Loss of these distributed systems, especially e-mail, impeded
the communication and coordination that was necessary to sustain
business continuity following the disaster.
11.     Frequently testing distributed backup systems and increasing
their prominence in business continuity planning will help to ensure
that the restoration of critical business resumption applications
requires less time and effort following a disaster.

Internet/Information Technology - Internet Messaging
Internet messaging (IM) platforms pose both opportunities and
liabilities during a crisis. On September 11, one of the unintended
benefits of IM tools was the "presence" notification they provided. When
IM users went online after the event, their names were highlighted on
the IM address lists of their friends.   This presence helped to account
for missing persons and may have diverted communication from jammed
telecommunications systems to more robust Internet networks.  IM
platforms, however, can also increase the vulnerability of firms to
opportunistic computer hackers.  Several computer security firms advised
their clients to shut down all non-critical connections to the Internet,
including IM platforms, which could provide intruders a back door to
critical systems.  
12.     During periods of increased threat, shutting down vulnerable
Internet Messaging platforms will help to protect network

Internet/Information Technology - Emergency Information Management
Emergency services increasingly employ information technology to better
coordinate their relief efforts. It took nine days, however, for NYC to
establish a computerized clearinghouse to help families locate loved
ones or to file missing persons reports.  Many telephone lines were
either destroyed or disrupted, leaving concerned individuals with little
choice but to walk between rescue stations, city offices and hospitals
in search of information.  Following the attacks, a U.S. Senator
suggested that the nation form a cyber-National Guard to furnish
necessary information systems in the event of a disaster and to quickly
repair damage to the nation's CI. 
13.     During a crisis, a standing, rapidly deployable emergency
information management capacity will be of great assistance to first
responders and victims.  It will also help mitigate the strain on
government and health infrastructure following a disaster.


Emergency Partnerships
The U.S. response to the attacks impacted the Canadian transportation
system in several ways: vehicle and train border crossings were
temporarily suspended, air traffic was redirected from the U.S. to
Canada, increased security measures were stipulated by the FAA for
Canadian airports, and tightened controls at re-opened border controls
slowed the flow of traffic.  Transport Canada (TC) worked to mitigate
the impact of these developments on the Canadian transportation system
by coordinating all branches of the Department (particularly Security
and Emergency Preparedness, and Civil Aviation) and by working with NAV
CANADA, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Department of National Defence
and many other key agencies, provincial governments and airports.  These
efforts helped TC to manage the diversion of 224 U.S. bound planes to
Canadian airports, the care and security of passengers, the increased
demand for non-air travel, the subsequent re-opening of airspace, and
other related issues.  As events unfolded, however, links to some
external organizations and international partners had to be improvised
since pre-existing relationships were non-existent or out of date.
14.     Well-maintained partnerships and established common emergency
protocols will provide a foundation for proactive measures during an
urgent situation and creative responses during a crisis.  

Emergency Assistance
Following the closure of airspace in the U.S., the Canadian Government
gave permission for the FAA to redirect U.S. bound flights to the
nearest airport in Canada.  In total, 224 re-routed aircraft landed in
Canada. Many of the airliners were directed to small or remote airports
such as Gander, Newfoundland, which had limited human and material
resources.  Several of these airports could not meet the fuelling and
maintenance needs of the diverted aircraft. Additional resources and
personnel had to be deployed to assist with airport operations and the
security screening of passengers and baggage. In spite of these efforts,
the subsequent departure of re-routed aircraft was delayed even after
the ban on general aviation to the U.S. had been lifted. The critical
functions of Canada's transportation infrastructure were not compromised
by the challenges of the assistance operation.  Supplementary planning
and resources, however, were not sufficient to prevent overtaxing of the
transportation infrastructure in certain localities.  
15.     The ability of the transport sector to sustain normal functions
will be jeopardized if sufficient planning and resources are not
dedicated to meeting the challenges of an assistance operation.

Alternative Modes of Transportation
The interruption of air transportation directly and immediately impacted
all aspects of public and private activities that normally relied on
this mode of transportation.   The transportation of critical employees
and time-sensitive materials, such as materials for data centres, was
impacted.  The inability of critical employees to travel by air hindered
recovery operations and prompted widespread use of alternative means of
transportation.  Securities settlement and clearing in the U.S. markets
were adversely affected because trades could not be matched within the
time required.  Land-based couriers were relied upon as alternative
means of shipping.  In Canada, materials within provinces were delayed
for up to a day, resulting in a significant increase in financial
holdovers for banks.  Items travelling to adjacent provinces were
delayed for up to five days, and items travelling across Canada were
delayed for up to seven days.  Stricter customs examinations delayed
trans-national shipments to the U.S.
16.     The interruption of air transportation will result in mass usage
and delays of alternative modes of transportation and will hinder
operations involving critical employees or time-sensitive materials.


Emergency Power Production in NYC
Emergency power production and recovery efforts were threatened by
diesel generator vulnerabilities.  Most critical network hubs in lower
Manhattan switched over to diesel generators during the power outage
from September 11 to 19 inclusive. The ban on the delivery of diesel
fuel in NYC threatened to further deteriorate Internet access and some
telephone communications until it was lifted. In addition to these
concerns, maintenance issues assumed critical importance after a week of
emergency power generation. Backup diesel generators were particularly
susceptible to malfunction because of dust and soot in the air.   
17.     Operators of network exchanges will benefit from a sustainable
energy contingency plan that addresses the potential of a medium- to
long-term power disruption. Communications and business continuity will
further deteriorate after the initial impact of a disaster if backup
power generation facilities are not provided with guaranteed access to
fuel and maintenance.  

Restoration of Power to NYC
Power companies must negotiate between a number of different interests
and priorities when restoring power after a blackout. The disruption of
electrical power to lower Manhattan posed a question about how remaining
and restored power should be allocated. Consolidated Edison Inc.
(ConEd), the primary supplier of electricity in NYC, restored power to
streetlights and small businesses first.  Larger businesses were then
connected to the electric grid, as it could handle the loads.  ConEd
completed the restoration of power on September 19 to all areas affected
by the WTC attacks, although customers were requested to limit their
energy consumption. 
18.     The rapid restoration of power to critical sites will be more
efficient if a predetermined list identifies and prioritizes sites which
are particularly vulnerable to prolonged outages. This list will help
contend with the wide range of interests expressed by business,
government and public facilities during an urban emergency. 

Airborne Monitoring of Infrastructure
Following the attacks, both the U.S. and Canada closed their airspace to
all flights except military and humanitarian operations. Concurrent to
this action, CI owners were advised to take appropriate measures to
ensure the security of their assets. Oil and gas industry preparedness
measures often include airborne patrols of critical pipelines and
facilities.  The ban on air traffic during this period of heightened
alert made such patrols impossible, impairing industry security and
government relationships with the private sector.
19.     During a ban on general aviation traffic, provisions that allow
members of the private sector to conduct airborne monitoring of distant
CI will further CIP objectives.


Corporate and Geographic Concentrations
The operational impact of September 11 was intensified by the fact that
the financial sector is concentrated both geographically and
corporately.  The September 11 incidents severely impacted the financial
sector because of the high geographic concentration of financial
institutions in the NYC area.  The impact of the terrorist incidents was
also magnified because of the high degree of market concentration in
certain key parts of the sector. For example, the sector relies on a
small number of institutions to carry out the settlement of funds,
securities and financial contracts.  The disruption of these entities
following September 11 hindered the operations of third parties through
interdependent relationships.  
20.     Financial institutions that recognize the effects of
concentration and interdependence of the sector will be better placed to
manage the operational implications of disasters in other parts of their

Business Continuity Planning
As a result of the 1993 bombing of the WTC, many companies in the Center
established business continuity plans that included evacuation plans and
backup arrangements for electronic and physical assets. With a few
exceptions, these organizations were able to safely and quickly relocate
and re-establish their operations after the September 11 attacks.  No
significant cyber losses were reported in the media.  Prearranged
response activities with local food services, hotels, law enforcement
agencies, fuel providers and utilities, as well as extensive contact
information for public and private organizations, helped expedite
business resumption.  In spite of this preparedness, the total cost of
the WTC attacks has been estimated at US$40 billion.   

The preparedness of businesses in the WTC area is not mirrored in the
rest of the U.S.  One data backup service estimated that 82 percent of
U.S. companies did not have adequate disaster recovery plans in place.
On the physical side, one business recovery service noted that only 7 of
its 3,000 U.S. clients had contracted for standby offices.   A Gartner
report cites insufficient testing as the most frequent shortfall of
business continuity plans around the world. 
21.     Comprehensive business continuity plans that include evacuation
and backup arrangements for electronic and physical assets will enable
most organizations to relocate and re-establish operations following a

Critical Staffing Shortages
In spite of the extensive business continuity planning that had been
invested in Y2K, many institutions did not account for disasters
involving significant shortages of critical staff.  Most
disaster-recovery plans were premised on the assumption that key
personnel could be relocated or drawn upon to assist with recovery.
September 11 graphically illustrated that such an assumption cannot be
relied upon.  The challenge of accounting for all personnel was
formidable, especially in the case of contract employees, and in
instances when evacuation plans did not include predetermined assembly
points away from the site.  Casualties and psychological trauma further
impacted the ability of local corporate personnel to resume business
operations.  In addition, federally-imposed flight restrictions hampered
out-of-area employees from assisting with recovery plans.  
22.     The business continuity planning of financial institutions will
be improved by accounting for disaster scenarios that involve
consequences that could harm or render inaccessible critical employees. 

Crisis Managing Employees
Nasdaq resumed trading six days after the attacks and credits both
technical and personal management solutions with the rapid recovery.
Nasdaq established a 24/7 "crisis line" teleconference call to establish
its core internal decision-making communications and to establish the
ranking of executives for decision-making and escalation.  Site-specific
hotlines were regularly updated to inform employees about site closures,
redirections, and status.  Separate daily conference calls enabled staff
to coordinate recovery efforts with Nasdaq, industry and technical
stakeholders. Phone-out groups were established to help push information
to relevant constituencies, including the families of employees.  The
basic needs of employees were addressed by providing food, water, heat,
shelter and psychological counselling.  
23.     Institutions that address the information, communication and
personal needs of employees during a crisis will further the efficiency
of their business resumption plans.  

Business Resumption Plans and Hotsite Models
Several firms in lower Manhattan had not created business resumption
plans or hotsite models that could contend with a large-scale disaster
affecting several critical sites within the same area, city or region.
The destruction of the WTC destroyed 30,000 securities positions
(trading, sales, research and operations) in the building and damaged
15,000 to 20,000 positions in adjacent structures.  Some firms had
located their private hotsite facilities in neighbouring buildings for
convenience and efficiency, but were unable to use them following the
attacks because the facilities had been destroyed, damaged or cordoned
off for security purposes.  Still other firms found themselves unable to
access their commercially-contracted hotsites because the demand in the
NYC area following the attacks exceeded supply and space was allocated
on a first-come, first-served basis.  Some disaster-recovery firms
offered hotsites that were not readily accessible due to air
transportation restrictions.  Some firms are now integrating in-house,
hotsite capabilities into geographically separate, primary operational
sites that can absorb some or all of the work of another primary site in
event of a disaster.  
24.     Business resumption plans and hotsite models that take into
consideration disasters involving broad geographic areas (such as a
district, city or region) will be better equipped to cope with the
impact of such disasters on business recovery efforts. 

Crisis Management Communications
Frequent communications with stakeholders is essential to managing a
crisis situation.  Securities and settlement institutions reported that
information-sharing regarding the status of operations, problems and
work-around plans was integral to allow their customers to manage their
operations.  It was difficult for institutions, however, to establish
communications with the right people in the right places when they were
unfamiliar with their partners' recovery plans or contact details at
backup locations.  
25.     CIP & EM stakeholders that share recovery plans and contact
information with one another will be better able to establish crisis
management communication in the event of a disaster.

Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies
The banking sector drew attention to the way in which CI
interdependencies posed challenges to their recovery efforts.  The
disruption of communications carrier services was cited as a significant
problem, and telecommunications suppliers are being encouraged to
establish diverse routing, but not through the same geographical area.
Some suppliers of other products and services did not have adequate
business continuity plans and this impacted the ability of some
institutions to fully implement their proprietary plans.  The banking
sector is encouraging a dialogue between CI sectors to be able to
establish priorities needed to recover from future disasters.
26.     Advanced planning and communication between CI sectors will help
to minimize the impact of interdependencies on business continuity


Evacuation Procedures
Most government offices have a standard alerting system and evacuation
procedure to cope with bombs threats, fires, etc.  No system existed in
the U.S., however, to issue a government-wide alert on September 11.  As
military officials at NORAD ordered fighter jets from Langley Air Force
Base to intercept one of the hijacked aircraft, neither the FAA, NORAD,
nor any other federal government organization issued evacuation orders
to the buildings presumed targeted in Washington, DC. Officials at the
Pentagon said that no mechanism existed within the U.S. Government to
notify various departments and agencies under such circumstances.   
27.     The ability of government to coordinate its response to CI
threats will be improved by the development of a government-wide alert
system that incorporates high levels of security and infrastructure

Standardization and Interoperability of Emergency Equipment
The annual meeting of the International Association of Emergency
Managers (IAEM) expressed concern following September 11 about the lack
of uniform standards for EM equipment.   No standards had been set, for
example, as to which types of gas masks or suits would protect
responders against specific chemical or biological agents that could
have been at the scene.  The interoperable equipment between
jurisdictions also impacted the effectiveness of first responders.  NYC
fire fighters found that they were unable to exchange their depleted
oxygen tanks for those offered by the New Jersey fire department because
the breathing apparatus attachment nozzles were of different sizes.
28.     The standardization of emergency equipment will help to
safeguard first responders.  Interoperable equipment will further the
efficiency of emergency operations.  

Internet Communications
In times of crisis, citizens look to the government as a trusted source
of information, assurance and advice.  The government, in turn, can use
the Internet as an effective way to communicate with its citizens.  In
the hours following the attacks, however, FirstGov (www.firstgov.gov),
the U.S. federal government's only official portal, remained a list of
links to other federal sites and did not mention the crisis.   FirstGov
users had to navigate through the portal before finding the web site for
the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which was posting relevant
information about the tragedy.  In contrast, the NYC.GOV web site proved
to be an enormously important and efficient means of communicating with
the general public.  A record number of individuals used the Internet to
find information during the crisis.
29.     Web portals that consolidate clear and timely emergency response
information will assist governments to convey important information to
citizens during times of crisis. 

Public Communications
The Canadian public was rapidly and significantly affected by the events
of September 11.  The close relationship between the U.S. and Canada led
many Canadians to experience feelings of apprehension and sympathy in
the aftermath of the attacks.  Many citizens looked to the federal
government and media for information about the tragedy, its implications
for Canada and the potential for more attacks.  Citizens also expressed
a strong desire for information pertaining to public safety, personal
preparedness and means to assist with recovery efforts in the U.S.
Media sources that were not given access to substantial or regular
briefings frequently produced reports that criticized the government and
alarmed the public with speculation.  
30.     In times of crisis, clear and rapid emergency communications
will assist in dealing with the situation.

Evidence Collection in Urban Disasters
The simultaneous efforts of law enforcement and disaster management
professionals are often required when terrorist incidents take place in
an urban setting.  The need to quickly search for survivors or clear
debris may not always compliment the need to methodically collect
evidence.  In the case of the WTC attacks, the affected 16-acre area
constituted the largest crime scene in history. The estimated 1.75
million tons of rubble that needed to be cleared from the centre of NYC
made the collection of evidence more complicated.  The problem was
resolved by taking rubble by dump truck to Staten Island, where it was
spread out in a field.  Teams of FBI agents and NYC detectives sorted
through the debris by hand to locate anything that might add to the file
of criminal evidence.
31.     When a criminal investigation is conducted alongside a major
urban disaster, it will be important for rescue services and law
enforcement to reach early agreement on how to manage the rescue of
survivors and restoration of normal city functioning while preserving
evidence for criminal investigations.    


1.      Predetermined emergency phone lines that are given call priority
and immediate service attention during a crisis will assist emergency
response. The conclusion of communications agreements between CI owners,
local emergency services and federal emergency management agencies will
help to guarantee that these dedicated lines exist.

2.      Lead emergency response agencies require appropriate
telecommunications infrastructure in order to assist recovery
coordination with first responders.

3.      Communications CI will be protected, and emergency response
efforts will be facilitated, by preventing disaster-affected networks
from crashing. The allocation of sufficient network space to local
emergency services will assist relief efforts. Attempting to accommodate
all inbound communication will endanger network stability and bandwidth
for the emergency response.

4.      Telephone carriers will be better positioned to relieve network
congestion during emergencies by drafting contingency plans that take
into account the redundant capacity of local VOIP networks.
Corporations using VOIP can achieve voice redundancy within their
network when voice traffic has saturated other modes of communication.

5.      Emergency services that install redundant computer, electrical
and communications systems on different grids from their main systems
will help to secure the functionality of CI in the event of a disaster.

6.      Following a significant disruption of wireless communications
service, transportable mobile phone infrastructure will facilitate the
coordination of an emergency response.

7.      Following a disaster, alternative modes of communications will
assist with recovery and crisis management while freeing network space
for the voice communications of emergency responders.

8.      Institutions that insist on the need for geographic and
technological redundancy from their networks and/or service providers
will be better placed to implement contingency plans following a

9.      The restoration of financial sector digital connectivity will be
a priority following large urban disasters but repair may be hindered by
interdependencies from outside of the telecommunications sector.

10.     Maintenance of up-to-date, Y2K-based inventories, procedures and
standards will greatly assist with IT disaster-recovery efforts and
business continuity.

11.     Frequently testing distributed backup systems and increasing
their prominence in business continuity planning will help to ensure
that the restoration of critical business resumption applications
requires less time and effort following a disaster.

12.     During periods of increased threat, shutting down vulnerable
Internet Messaging platforms will help to protect network

13.     During a crisis, a standing, rapidly deployable emergency
information management capacity will be of great assistance to first
responders and victims.  It will also help mitigate the strain on
government and health infrastructure following a disaster.


14.     Well-maintained partnerships and established common emergency
protocols will provide a foundation for proactive measures during an
urgent situation and creative responses during a crisis.

15.     The ability of the transport sector to sustain normal functions
will be jeopardized if sufficient planning and resources are not
dedicated to meeting the challenges of an assistance operation.

16.     The interruption of air transportation will result in mass usage
and delays of alternative modes of transportation and will hinder
operations involving critical employees or time-sensitive materials.


17.     Operators of network exchanges will benefit from a sustainable
energy contingency plan that addresses the potential of a medium- to
long-term power disruption. Communications and business continuity will
further deteriorate after the initial impact of a disaster if backup
power generation facilities are not provided with guaranteed access to
fuel and maintenance.

18.     The rapid restoration of power to critical sites will be more
efficient if a predetermined list identifies and prioritizes sites which
are particularly vulnerable to prolonged outages. This list will help
contend with the wide range of interests expressed by business,
government, and public facilities during an urban emergency.

19.     During a ban on general aviation traffic, provisions that allow
members of the private sector to conduct airborne monitoring of distant
CI will further CIP objectives.


20.     Financial institutions that recognize the effects of
concentration and interdependence in the sector will be better placed to
manage the operational implications of disasters in other parts of their

21.     Comprehensive business continuity plans that include evacuation,
electronic and physical backup arrangements will enable most
organizations to relocate and re-establish operations following a

22.     The business continuity planning of financial institutions will
be improved by accounting for disaster scenarios that involve
consequences that could harm or render inaccessible critical employees.

23.     Institutions that address the information, communication and
personal needs of employees during a crisis will further the efficiency
of their business resumption plans.

24.     Business resumption plans and hotsite models that take into
consideration disasters involving broad geographic areas (such as a
district, city or region) will be better equipped to cope with the
impact of such disasters on business recovery efforts.

25.     CIP & EM stakeholders that share recovery plans and contact
information with one another will be better able to establish crisis
management communication in the event of a disaster.

26.     Advanced planning and communication between CI sectors will help
to minimize the impact of interdependencies on business continuity


27.     The ability of government to coordinate its response to CI
threats will be improved by the development of a government-wide alert
system that incorporates high levels of security and infrastructure

28.     The standardization of emergency equipment will help to
safeguard first responders.  Interoperable equipment will further the
efficiency of emergency operations.

29.     Web portals that consolidate clear and timely emergency response
information will assist governments to convey important information to
citizens during times of crisis.

30.     In times of crisis, clear and rapid emergency communications
will assist in dealing with the situation.

31.     When a criminal investigation is conducted alongside a major
urban disaster, it will be important for rescue services and law
enforcement to reach early agreement on how to manage the rescue of
survivors and restoration of normal city functioning while preserving
evidence for criminal investigations.

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