Amazon's 43 secrets
Why does the Web's biggest retailer want you to confide your hopes, dreams
and aspirations to a Web site called 43 Things? It's not telling.

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By Katharine Mieszkowski

Feb. 8, 2005  |  Remember that famous New Yorker cartoon "On the Internet,
nobody knows you're a dog"?

Revise that.

On the Internet, nobody knows you're, if you hide behind the
friendly face of an independent start-up.

Shortly after Salon's cover story on tagging was published on Feb. 7, we
received an e-mail from a reader urging us to look into the relationship
between a site featured in the story, 43 Things, and

The Web site, which is produced by a start-up that calls itself the Robot
Co-op, is a place where visitors can confide their hopes, dreams and goals
and connect to other people with the same aspirations. To all outward
appearances it looks as if it is yet another grass-roots Web start-up. But
it's actually funded primarily by Amazon, although neither Amazon nor the
Robot Co-op wanted users of the site to know that -- at least not yet.

When Salon asked Erik Benson, the "chief janitorial officer" of the Robot
Co-op, if his company is a subsidiary of Amazon, he said: "Can I get back to
you on that?" When pressed, he said the company is going to announce an
investment from Amazon next month. But he wouldn't say if his company would
be wholly owned by Amazon, or if the shopping site would just be one of
several investors.

"Nobody's supposed to know that," he said.

Several of the founding members of the Robot Co-op, including Benson, used
to work at Amazon in the company's personalization group, so it's not all
that surprising that the group might get some funding from its former

But in a subsequent e-mail refusing to comment on the "rumors," Benson
defended his Seattle company's indie cred: "We're working in a small office
in Capitol Hill above a yoga studio, use our own Powerbooks at work, have
our own hosting and dreamed up this project and company 100%."

An Amazon spokesperson put the relationship differently: " is the
only investor in Robot Co-op, and we're not discussing details beyond that,"
said Drew Herdener, senior public relations manager for Amazon

Robot Co-op CEO Josh Petersen, who lists his job title as "typist" on the
company's Web site and who also used to work at Amazon, responded to
Herdener's comments in an e-mail: "The Robot Co-op is a small start up
fueled by some exciting ideas about our shared goals and desires. We are
pleased has invested in The Robot Co-op and excited to be working
on ways people can connect and share experiences online."

One thing is clear: The people posting their hopes, dreams and aspirations
to 43 Things probably don't realize that they're effectively whispering them
in the ear of the Web's biggest retailer, a multibillion-dollar, publicly
traded company.

Whatever plans Amazon has for the little company it is funding, it's not
telling. But you can add Amazon to the list of big companies, along with
Google and Microsoft, that are taking tagging seriously.

And it's not hard to envision how Amazon might find a way to capitalize on
all our hopes and dreams through 43 Things. After all, if your goal is to
lose 30 pounds or write a book and have it published, surely you might be
interested in buying a book or two to help you on your way?

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About the writer
Katharine Mieszkowski is a senior writer for Salon Technology. 

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