On Sat, 20 Nov 2010 16:17:40 +0100, Matthias Hopf <mh...@suse.de> wrote:

> I know, I know. The patch is (one of) the results of the Novell-HP-Intel
> workshop in Taipei this week. It turned out that rev07 is too unstable.
> Keith and Eric can probably comment on this. Better than I can.

There's a work-around in the kernel for pre rev-8 hardware that ensures
every time the blt ring is advanced by the CPU, the first command
executes a batch buffer. So the hardware is obviously quite broken.

This workaround doesn't work perfectly, and the GPU will still lock up
when executing commands out of the blt ring from time to time. As pre
rev-8 hardware is all pre-production, the workarounds should be removed
From the driver and all acceleration disabled.


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