On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 01:43:22PM -0700, Ben Widawsky wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 03:40:54PM +0100, Damien Lespiau wrote:
> > I was fedup with having to run my tests as root and not being able to
> > use my usual setup for tests that only exercise the GT part of the GPU.
> > 
> > Render nodes to the rescue!
> I think usually this is a bad idea except for pretty isolated proof of
> concept kind of things. Mostly intel-gpu-tools is testing our kernel
> driver, and therefore running without a reboot anyway is sort of
> unusual.

Hum? I fail to see the link. It should be strickly equivalent, with the
added bonus that you can write and execute a test as a normal user.

Actually, as Daniel said on IRC, we'd most likely want to run quite a
few of the tests with both a fd from card0 and a fd from the render node
to ensure that we can function correctly from the render node 

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